Monday, January 26, 2009

LOST Season 5.01 Because you left..

One of my favorite quotes from LOST was in this episode and it came from Hurley. "I need to get a cool code name," in reference to Locke's, Jeremy Bentham persona.

Questions that I have following this episode: (Chronological from beginning of episode to end)

1. Pierre Chang (Marvin Candle-who appears to be a jerk) Says: "There are rules. Rules that can't be broken!"
Is this a true statement or is it something that is being said to keep others from trying to break the rules?

2. With the photo of the chamber that revealed the frozen donkey wheel, there was no surprise reaction from
Pierre other than to say stop drilling as it can release limitless amounts of unharnessed energy. How did the
wheel get there and does Chang know the answer to how it got there?

3. Jack states to Ben, the other Oceanic survivors are not my friends anymore. Why is that?

4. Ben again says when speaking to Locke just before moving the island, that he is sorry that he made his life miserable.
Is Ben speaking of Locke's life after the crash or did Ben manipulate Locke's entire life? Locke is older than Ben, but
throlugh time travel did Ben actually manipulate his life himself or through Alpert all along?

5. What happened to the islanders when the island disappeared?

6. What happened to the others when the island started skipping in time?

7. Who do the lawyers represent, that are asking Kate for a blood sample?

8. Did Yemi's plane crash as a direct result of the current island skipping in time? Much like the hatch causing the crash
of the Oceanic 815.

9. Was Locke shot in the same place in his leg as where the door came down on it in the hatch?

10. Is Sun really wanting to kill Ben or is it her way of luring Widmore in for Ben?

11. Who was after Sayid?

12. Can time not be changed as Faraday claims?

13. Why does Alpert have to wear glasses?

14. Why will Alpert not know Locke the next time he sees him?

15. Was the compass a way for Locke to remember Alpert, and is that why Alpert was so mad when Locke didn't pick it
as a child?

16. When Sawyer went to the back door of the hatch, why did Faraday reiterate that you can't change the past?

17. Sawyer responds to Faraday by saying I know what I can't change. This is the first time I can recall that the response was
not-- Don't tell me what I can't do!

18. Why does Faraday approach the hatch and talk to Desmond. Can he get a different response than Sawyer?

19. Faraday tells Desmond-THE RULES DO NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU ARE UNIQUE. What does this mean? Are the rules=- the
the rules of time?

20. Is Desmond the only unique person? Could Locke, Walt, or for that matter any of the Oceanic survivors be unique as

21. Who is Faraday's mom?

Ponder these questions and send answers if you have any to the above questions. I do not think that Mrs. Hawking is Faraday's
mom for the record...

look for thoughts and musings in the near future. Thanks and Namaste.

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