Sunday, January 25, 2009

The start of a new journey..

I am embarking on blogging at the nudging of my wife and sister-in-law (Rach). I am a huge fan of the TV show LOST (literally and figuratively). What is the allure of this show? I think it lies in the fact that LOST has set a precedence among TV fans and pop culture fans. Not only does it satisfy above and beyond the normal idiot box shows, but it leaves a hunger for more as we search for the answers posed to us throughout a given episode.

LOST not only acknowledges that its audience has above average intelligence (or so we think), but it challenges us to become smarter. Whether that is our intention or not. This show has created a working puzzle that is not only fun to piece together, it is also fun to speculate and try to figure the direction a story thread is going even before it is revealed.

I have posted my views on other sites and for the most part have received positive responses or if nothing else a view from someone that helps me see things a little differently. I have on a couple of occasions been put down by responders who live only to belittle others and make them appear to be stupid while trying to give the appearance that they are far superior than myself or anyone else. Fortunately, they have only succeeded and confirmed what the rest of us already knew. They are KNUCKLEHEADS. So part of this blog is to allow people to respond without fear of being put down by others. We will not only enjoy the show, but also enjoy following along with each others theories whether they are crackpot or not.

I am not sure which format I will take in this blog, but rest assured that it will be fun.

Another thing I would like to do is open your eyes to other blogs, websites, and podcasts that are out there that you may not know about. I will briefly describe these for you and place a link on my blog so that you may check it out yourself.

I thoroughly enjoy podcasts regarding LOST. Not only are they entertaining, but most of them offer new insight and thought regarding LOST that you may have not thought about before or maybe they will confirm some ideas you have contemplated. Either way the beauty of LOST is that it has a community of followers that love it just as much as you do and are just excited in sharing their thoughts with you.

A side note, I do not send money to any of the podcasters as I cannot afford too much. What I do, however, is at least order a t-shirt if one is offered or a book if one is available. These wonderful people are giving their time toward something they love and is entertaining to us as well. If you are able, I feel it is a nice way to say thank you and promote them as well.

I hope this blog will prove to be half as entertaining to you as it is for me.

Thank you and Namaste,


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